Graphene & Co and PULSE (Processus ULtimes d’épitaxie de Semiconducteurs) research networks (French GDR-I/GDR) are jointly organizing the Lavoisier Discussion devoted to the growth of emergent 2D materials from the 20th to the 22nd of January 2020. This prospective seminar will be held at the Grand Hôtel de Paris in Villard de Lans (French Alps, Vercors) and will gather approximately 50 people coming from French and European laboratories.
More information about registration, venue, program, and invited speakers can be found on the event’s dedicated website.
The primary goal is to bring together growth experts specialised in 2D materials (graphene, h-BN, TMDCs, black phosphorous, X-enes, etc) and their heterostructures. It will be a very good opportunity to present and discuss the last experimental and theoretical advances in the field, to get deeper insight in the physical properties of these materials and to define new strategies to improve their properties for future applications. Five main topics, each with a focus on material growth, are identified :
Local organizers :
Matthieu Jamet (Spintec laboratory, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA-IRIG, CNRS), Johann Coraux (Institut Néel, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS)