Lavoisier discussion on 2D magnetic materials in Strasbourg, France.
The recent demonstration of an intrinsic magnetic order in atomically-thin van der Waals materials opens a vast playground to understand and control magnetism at the nanoscale. This nascent class of materials offers a broad variety of magnetic orders, from textbook phenomenology to more exotic spin states. 2D magnetic materials can be embedded in van der Waals heterostructures, wherein novel spintronic and nano-photonic phenomena emerge, fostering breakthroughs in fundamental sciences as well as engineering of future ultrathin devices.
This workshop aims at federating the French community working on this burgeoning field of research, on a short format conducive to discussions. The program will feature contributed oral and poster presentations of recent results, as well as three tutorial talks :
#1 Introduction to low-dimensional magnetism, by O. Fruchart (CEA Spintec, Grenoble)
#2 Advances in 2D magneto-optics, by C. Faugeras (LNCMI, Grenoble)
#3 Emerging phenomena in 2D spintronics, by A. Manchon (CINaM, Marseille)
Lavoisier discussions are prospective workshops on an emergent research area covered by the national research group (GDR) and the international coordination network (IRN) related to low-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures HOWDI. The event is organized by IPCMS, a research institute co-hosted by CNRS & Université de Strasbourg.
Registration is free of charge, including coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner. With a limited capacity, priority will be given to participants presenting their results.
Abstract submission and registration are open on the dedicated website.
DL for oral contributions : 28/11/2022
DL for registration : 10/12/2022